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1813 | 42 | 5

Tax Incentives

Focus point


In order to apply for VAT and income tax incentives, foreign investment enterprises must obtain the relevant certification by improving the business scope, proportion of research and development costs to total income, intellectual property, etc.

Preparation of Materials

The departments responsible for certification vary according to the industry. Enterprises must find the corresponding responsible departments to process and submit the relevant application materials. Preparing the necessary materials will directly affect the final outcome.

Declaration Process

Enterprises should focus on the acceptance schedule of government incentives and available financial support and subsidy programs. The application period is generally from one to two weeks, and once the annual application period has ended, enterprises will not be eligible to receive the government tax incentives.

Related Matters

VAT Incentives

Export VAT refunds
Software product sales immediate VAT refunds
Special VAT incentives for other industries
VAT exemptions for cross-border taxable services

Income Tax Incentives

Research and development deductions
Reduced local and regional income tax rates
Five-year tax holiday (two years exemption, three years 50% reduction)
Reduced income tax rates for high and new technology enterprises (HNTEs)
Reduced income tax rates for non-resident enterprises
Tax incentives for advanced technology service enterprises (ATSEs)

Service Advantages

Risk Control
We analyze enterprises' current situations and develop the best solutions with respect to existing tax incentive policies. We avoid risks in enterprises' tax incentive applications so that the application can proceed smoothly.

Overall Planning
Through efficient and professional planning, we can help foreign investment enterprises to quickly realize their financial and tax optimization objectives at a lower cost, while reducing their potential risk.

Post-Service Payment Guarantee
We bill after we have provided our services. We find that this helps to control costs for clients in the earlier stages of projects, and it is our guarantee of service quality to our clients. In this way, our clients are not billed excessive amounts before their problems are completely resolved.

Article Tags: Consulting TAX
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