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Key to Enter the Chinese Market

How to successfully enter theChinese Market?

Chinahas become the world's biggest economy in terms of its largest purchasing powerand its several large online Ecommerce platforms.Ithas become absolutely indispensable for many international businesses to locatetheir operations in this huge market. But operating in an unfamiliar market canbe quite daunting.

RTFis your key to entering successfully into the Chinese market.  RTF is here to solve all your businessproblems and to minimiseall your business risks and costs.  WithRTF as your consultant,  your business inChina will develop and grow at a very rapid pace.

Integrated Services=Taxation + Accounting + Ad + Website + Secretary + Customer Service + Company Registration + Trademark +...

Govt. to Govt. Intermediary

With its connections, bonds and support from the Chinese Government, RTFhelps foreign invested firms from all over the world to land in China’smultiple Development Zones and benefit from various incentives and facilities.

RTFalso helps Chinese government agencies to liaise with overseas governmentagencies for learning and training opportunities and to build up friendlycooperation bonds and ties.

Key to Enter the Chinese Marker.PDF

For more information, please contact us.

Article Tags: Business Services Consulting Accounting Outsourcing TAX VAT
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